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Historic Preservation Impacts Our Economy

We’ve recently released the findings of a study on the economic impact of historic preservation in Columbia!  Read how historic preservation activities have created quantifiable positive economic impacts in Columbia.

Historic Preservation

The City of Columbia Planning Division is responsible for historic preservation activities within the City. The Planning Division’s preservation staff is responsible for the administration of the City’s historic preservation ordinance (a portion of the Unified Development Ordinance), which provides protection for buildings, districts, and sites that have been declared historic by City Council. The City of Columbia has over 180 individual landmarks.

Preservation staff works to elevate appreciation of Columbia’s rich history, beginning in 1786 when Columbia was founded and became the first planned capital city in the new nation. Staff also raises awareness of the value of historic buildings and materials and shares preservation methods through workshops and educational events.

Preservation staff administers the review and approval process for Certificates of Design Approval (CDAs) for alterations to historic buildings and sites. The design review process for Columbia’s historic districts (and design districts) is administered by the Design/Development Review Commission (D/DRC) and preservation (and urban design) staff. All projects come directly to staff for consultation first. Staff may then direct the applicant as to whether the project can be approved at staff level or must be channeled through the Commission according to City Ordinance.

If you have questions, please contact the staff representative for your district.

Photograph of a main street building under renovation

Historic Preservation Resources

Are you looking for more information about historic preservation in Columbia? Here's a good place to start!

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Historic Preservation Incentives

Planning work on your property? You may be eligible for incentives related to historic preservation projects!

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Preservation Newsletter

Historic preservation staff routinely sends e-newsletters focusing on topics of local interest. Review past newsletters and sign up to receive them!

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Downtown Columbia Historic Resources Survey

The City of Columbia Planning Division is excited to announce the completion of the Downtown Columbia Historic Resources Survey conducted by Access Preservation. This architectural survey focused on Columbia’s historic downtown area and documented the buildings not previously recorded in past architectural surveys. This survey is part of the City of Columbia’s ongoing effort to keep an up to date city-wide survey.

The “Bryan Survey” in 1993 documented buildings in downtown Columbia considered to be historically significant at the time. Since the Bryan Survey is over 25 years old, many resources have since gained historic significance (reached their 50-year mark) while other resources may have been altered or demolished if local protections were never adopted. While this survey works to fully document and recommend protection of older, intact, historic resources that have survived a century of development pressures, it also provides a great and in-depth look at the largely undocumented mid-century resources that Columbia has to offer.

It’s a wrap!

The final document, including survey findings and recommendations, is now available online! Please also watch the final virtual presentation of survey findings and recommendations, included below!

Learn More:

View a video of the final presentation and review Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

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